A real scrapping blog, living, loving life and scrapping it along the way with ratty adventures thrown in too. Come into the Zone with me and see what the Twins and I are up to today!

Monday 6 April 2009

Speed demon!

Did you have a good weekend?

Mine flew past in a blur of nocturnal activity, and non of it the toe curling good kind either!!!?

Here we are at the start of another week,  and time is still whizzing past. It's the last week of the PWL workshop and I am thrilled to say that one of my photos from last week has made it into CJ's top 8!! Will post it later if it makes the top 3.  
Sadly I don't know how or when I am going to take this weeks module, its quite demanding and I don't have a spare minute to devote to it. Some of the others have already posted some stunning pictures and I am in awe of them, and no idea where to start.
I think I have three minutes to myself tomorrow after a training day, so will take my camera and hope I can find something that will fit the bill.
Wish me luck! xx

1 comment:

Nemo said...

Big cats again! Taken on the best side of course. Nice one.