Sunday, 30 December 2012
Long time no blog!!
Hey bloggers,
as the end of 2012 draws to a close I have made a resolution to blog again!
However, as this blog was mainly dedicated to crafty pursuits I have started a new blog which will be more of an online diary, but I would still love to see you all there.
Please come and find me at my new blog
40, Single with rats!!!
I still pop by the crafty world from time to time, but due to recent events haven't joined in as I would have done in the past. I still enjoy seeing all your creativity and will endeavour to get back into it myself in 2013.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all
much love
Sarah xxx
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
And finally........
So, do you remember a couple of weeks ago I promised to pop back soon and share the cards I made after Christmas??
Well finally, only a few weeks later, here they are!
Seriously I don't know where the time has gone!?
It was only just after Christmas the other day and now its half way through Feb and my BIG birthday looms! What happened??
To be honest I'm not quite sure where the last forty years went either?
I don't think I am where I thought I would be at this time of my life but I'm not altogether sure where I thought that would be either?
Does that make sense?
I certainly couldn't have imagined doing what I do, and certainly didn't think I would still be just me.
No-one else.
Still single!!?
And speaking of THAT - I had a card today!! Yes a Valentine's Card!!!
Do I know who it's from?
No Not really.
There was someone I had thought it might be but he says no, and in some ways I am relieved. That could have been awkward!! Then there is the man with the really nice voice who I have been chatting with recently. Could it be him? I dunno, I've never met him. Surely he can't be that daft can he? He hasn't said anything today.
Look I never said I was a Detective!!!
Ho Hum. Maybe someone will say something and give the game away?
In other news, little Fred got fed up with Barney always being the one who had special trips to the vet in the car with mummy, so decided he would try to trump him in the most spectacular way. He hid a nasty abscess from me and only let me find it when it was HUGE and had burst and was a nasty open sore on his tummy, that panicked me late on Sunday night and ensured I did not get any sleep!
At all!!!
So, some hundredandsixtytwomillion pounds later he now has a very neat scar up his tummy that makes him now look like a very small pencil case!!!
Me - panic over, beans on toast for the next two months til I can afford to eat again!!
Shame the mystery man couldn't arrange a dinner date - am getting hungry!!!
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Raving !!!!

Monday, 23 January 2012
Blah blah blah!!
Ha ha! So its 2012, has been for a while now, so I am not going even start apologising for my absence and lack of blogging etc etc - its pointless!
You all know I haven't been here for a while and that's just because I have been busy living, not scrapping, and therefore although I have had lots to share you don't want to read a load of waffle without any pretty pics do you?
So - onwards and upwards. Christmas came and went - at work - all funds for the USA pot!!
I'm going back there in June - for a BIG celebration - because I am turning........................forty (yikes!!) in a few weeks.
The decorating is almost finished and love love love my new look lounge. Its all grown up and suitable for socialising - not like the play room it resembled before?
I worked another set of night duties and took the opportunity to wander round my home town in the wee small hours taking this city!
Have managed after several weeks off to get my asre back on my bike and start cycling to work again - need to shift the lbs before I hit the beach in the US!!!

Had a lovely late Crimbo at Grannywens and had a lovely crafty day with her making cards - I will share here as soon as the gloom lifts and I can photograph them properly. In the meantime, here is a bloomin' awful picture of a card I made for a girl at work who is escaping to have a baby! Excuse the crappy phone pic.
I've had loads of ideas of things to make and paint in my head but none of them have materialised into anything tangible yet - however, the arrival of my new Gogo kit this morning may well change all that?
See you all soon - promise
You all know I haven't been here for a while and that's just because I have been busy living, not scrapping, and therefore although I have had lots to share you don't want to read a load of waffle without any pretty pics do you?
So - onwards and upwards. Christmas came and went - at work - all funds for the USA pot!!
I'm going back there in June - for a BIG celebration - because I am turning........................forty (yikes!!) in a few weeks.
I plan a grown up dinner party here to mark the occasion, but really am celebrating by going for a mega three week trip to the place where my heart belongs!! Sadly, I will have to return as Visa difficulties mean I can't stay there indefinitely unless I find myself a hot yank who wants to marry me??? :(
The decorating is almost finished and love love love my new look lounge. Its all grown up and suitable for socialising - not like the play room it resembled before?
I worked another set of night duties and took the opportunity to wander round my home town in the wee small hours taking this city!
Have managed after several weeks off to get my asre back on my bike and start cycling to work again - need to shift the lbs before I hit the beach in the US!!!
Have worked and played and laughed very hard!!

Had a lovely late Crimbo at Grannywens and had a lovely crafty day with her making cards - I will share here as soon as the gloom lifts and I can photograph them properly. In the meantime, here is a bloomin' awful picture of a card I made for a girl at work who is escaping to have a baby! Excuse the crappy phone pic.
I've had loads of ideas of things to make and paint in my head but none of them have materialised into anything tangible yet - however, the arrival of my new Gogo kit this morning may well change all that?
See you all soon - promise
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Its beginning to feel a lot like....................

Yesterday I spent the day as tourist guide and thoroughly enjoying the city, showing my US friend around. We had a lovely day and finished it off with a visit to the ballet. The tickets have been booked for months and I was going with the girls, but one dropped out last minute so my guy was able to come along. Matthew Bourne is a fantastic choreographer, quite modern and this version of the Nutcracker was fabulous as always. Not the usual choice for my rufty tufty American hunkster, but he is into music and the arts too and so thoroughly enjoyed himself!!

Bless him though, he wasn't quite prepared for the cold despite me telling him to pack a warm coat, and spend the day clutching at hot chocs and me for warmth!! Obviously I wasn't complaining :)
Sadly crafting has fallen by the wayside. I am soooo behind with scrapping and getting my photos sorted its not funny!! Maybe that will be my New Year resolution to get back into it and stop forgetting my blog!!??? I am sure that come cold January that will all change as I sit snuggly indoors and look for things to do?
Promise I won't be away so long next time :)
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, 7 November 2011
At last some craft!!!

Ha ha, I've been absent again after all my good intentions :(
I really don't know where the time has gone ??
I have been busy nesting and sorting out my flat - will share some pics when I am next home and able to photograph the 'after' ones!
I have been getting fed up with my poppy crumpling up on my coat this week so decided to emboss it with different pink red and gold utee this evening!!
Am quite pleased with the result, What do you think??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, 28 October 2011
Still catching up!!
Hi All, still trying to catch up with sorting and organising my photos to share my recent adventures with you. I just don't know where this year has flown too - it's Halloween already this weekend and I am still back in the summer in my head!!!
Another couple of art journal pages to share with you in the meantime. I went off the page a little and used some fab artwork I found which I added to my backgrounds and then journalled on.
For some reason I found making the backgrounds the most enjoyable, as I can be expressive with colour and shape. I'm not so good when it comes to writing down my thoughts and feelings, but then I guess I'm like that in real life too??
You can't really see in this one but it is full of texture too as I found some fab granular stuff and micro bead gesso in an art shop in Clapham!!
So, what am I up to at the moment??
As if I don't have enough to do I find myself in a nesting mood and have just started to reorganise and decorate my lounge! It must be something about the time of year, I feel the need to make my home comfy and cosy, and if I'm honest, as much as I love my craft area it has taken over somewhat and I need to tidy it all away and spend time in a grown-ups lounge not a play room!!!
I have taken some before photos and will share when the transformation is over, although with all the crafty stash to sort through it may take me all weekend!!!
Happy Halloween!
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