A real scrapping blog, living, loving life and scrapping it along the way with ratty adventures thrown in too. Come into the Zone with me and see what the Twins and I are up to today!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The one about the girls!

I love a good girly chat don't you?
Lots of time at my work is spent in this enjoyable but somewhat unpredictable pastime,  especially with a mainly female population, but every now and again I get to meet up with these two lovely ladies and boy we can chatter til the cows come home.
I met these two chums on a training course five years ago, and although our paths have differed hugely in our chosen career we still manage to find plenty to talk about.
One has become a mother since we met and the other is a constant source of amusement as she bounces thru life, and then there is me - kinda in the middle. Three very different girls but who formed a huge bond during those three weeks all that time ago!
On Sunday night we met up for dinner, and although our idea of a pub meal didn't pan out, no-one minded ending up at Pizza Express. We talked work and babies and men and all the usual topics and moaned that we didn't get to see each other often enough and what we would do to change it! 

So we have decided to go camping for a girly weekend - I can't wait!!  The only problem is that I now have to source the missing/stolen tent pole that the childish ex-bf decided to keep back when he handed the tent over! Excuse me while I swear but what a w***er! 
I have spent all afternoon today on the phone and t'internet and can I find what I need - no! I can't even get the measurements for it so that I can get my Dad to knock something up! I am so glad that relationship ended but really didn't need this reminder of why I am so glad!! I just hope good old ebay manages to turn something up soon!??


lisa said...

Sounds like you have some great friends there, Sarah. Have a great time camping.
hugs Lisax

Lynda said...

Lovely layout Sarah and that's a very happy photo on it. You'll have a fab time camping just hope you get the pole sorted - that really was petty of your ex!

Love Lynda xxx

brenda said...

Hello Sarah

Having a good catch up, so nice to visit you. Sorry it's not so often lately, it's the screen that won't stay still - they say it's my eyes becasue of the glare, but I prefer to blame to computer.

You post below tis one and the cake brings back memories. As a child I used to raise money for the Blue Cross every Easter.

In those days it was not that well known and it was just the RSPCA that people related to, but I am pleased the Blue Cross have been able to raise their profile.

All the four legged family are OK at this end. Daisy and Lily have grown no end, Bernie is still a darling with them and just lays there and lets them crawl all over him. And the horses went out for a couple of hours for the first time this season today. So everyones happy !

B x