After twittering on about nothing much in yesterdays post cos nothing much had happened, I then got a phone call from a super fun chum and we popped out for a quick spin in this......

We popped to Waitrose for some end of the day bargains and then had a cruise up town and along the river. It was a lovely evening after the earlier rain and we posed in sunglasses with the roof off to visit this

a super cute elly at the Chelsea Pensioners home and then after waving at Liz and cruising down the Mall where there were flags a plenty for trooping the colour and even several horses as they did a practice run, we waved at Ben before toodling back home.
London really is a fab city you know - I love living here!

It was great fun and we drove past places that I hadn't been to for years, a real trip down memory lane!

It was great fun and we drove past places that I hadn't been to for years, a real trip down memory lane!
Speaking of which, I don't know why I had the sudden urge to scrap this photo - it popped into my head after rediscovering this yellow floral paper in my stash and it instantly made me think of it - something to do with my little yellow dress I think, but the photo, yes is me, when I was quite small as you can see, and a family friend gave me a Black Jack - remember those?
Well I do - never forgotten it, co's I didn't like it then (hence the black sticky mess I was in) and I don't now!!??
Still can't believe I was once blonde!!
Enjoy! xx
Top down and shades on is the only way to do it Sarah. Not ashamed to say I love posing in my baby.
Yes London is a wonderful City and I always think no matter how many times you tour round, you always find something new.
B x
sweet little you lovely lay-out .Great car for your trip!!!!!!
Look at you in your posh wheels. I bet you turned a few heads during your trip!!
Love the LO, what a cutie.
Have a great weekend.
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