Thanks for all your lovely messages. We have been back to the vet today for another round of injections and have to return tomorrow for more. Harry is ok-ish, subdued and still lilting to one side, but he's still here for now. It's really going to be a case of wait and see.
I spent last night asleep (not much) on the sofa next to sick bay, and listened to wills tearing round the palace looking for his chum. It's all very sad here!

Sick bay!

Poorly me! :(
Oooh look at me using BlogPress from my iPhone!!!
Glad he's sticking with it - such a sad little face but it sounds like you're taking excellent care of him.
It's so awful when you know you can't do anything to make you furry friends feel better but I'm sure he feels better knowing you're close by xxx
aaa i hope he is going to be ok.
take care bye bye,Lean.
Oh Sarah, what a time of it your're having. I will keep everything crossed for your poor little man. He certainly has the best nurse in the world!
Hope he keeps improving Sarah. Take care.
Love Lynda xxx
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