A real scrapping blog, living, loving life and scrapping it along the way with ratty adventures thrown in too. Come into the Zone with me and see what the Twins and I are up to today!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Social butterfly!

Hey there!
I haven't forgotten you all, but have had a crazy mad fun weekend and now back at crazy mad not-so-fun work!
There are pictures to follow and I will update further when I get a minute to myself.
Catch you all soon.

1 comment:

brenda said...

Oh Sarah, he's so cute.

We have lots in our garden as well and the other day there was a baby one right close to the back door but by the time I got my camera he had moved to the orchard. But my hubby said he was about all day.

I decided his mum and dad had just dispatched him from the nest and told him to work for his keep.

All is good in my world thank you for asking.

B x